Web Generate Record Cloning with Designer

Part 2

By Hervé Deschamps, Oracle Corporation.

One of the requirements that keeps cropping up on just about every single application development project is the ability to create a record from an existing one. In other words, users like to bring up an existing record, modify a few things about it and save it as a new record. This functionality provides great time savings for them. In Oracle Forms, they would simply use <duplicate record>. In WebServer modules generated by Designer 2.1.2 there is no provision for this. This is the second part of a 2 part article. It will show you Method 2: another technique to achieve this record cloning with Designer. Even if you were perfectly content with Method 1, do read on. This second technique will demonstrate mechanisms that can be applied to a number of web generation challenges.

Method 1

Method 2

Figure 1

Figure 2

Method 1 was HTML and JavaScript intensive, but required no additional PL/SQL. Method 2 requires very little HTML, no JavaScript and one PL/SQL procedure to be added to the module definition. Method 2 also involves a PERL pre-compiler to automate modifications to the PL/SQL code generated by Designer. This is a very powerful trick that can be applied every time that you cannot get what you want from Designer.

We chose a simple form to illustrate record cloning in order to make this article simpler and shorter. In the real world, the typical module that requires cloning is usually composed of many more fields than our simple project module. But this is good enough to illustrate the principle.

Method 2: Using the Record List

Fig 2 illustrates what we want to achieve. How do we do it? First we need to locate the procedure that displays the record list. It is somewhere within one of the PL/SQL packages generated by Designer. To find out which one it is, we start by looking at the URL of the page that displays it:


This URL calls PL/SQL procedure startup that belongs to package prj_mw$. Startup calls a number of PL/SQL routines that may or may not contribute to what is displayed in the browser. We need to find the procedure that constructs the record list. Knowing how. to dig through the code generated by Designer is a very useful skill that you will put to use very often. So we will show you every step of the investigation. For the sake of keeping this article reasonably short (sic), we can only show extracts of the code. Our "simple" module resulted in 2754 lines of PL/SQL code generated by Designer. Aren't you glad that you don't have to code this manually?

Let us begin the investigation. Listing A shows the relevant parts of procedure startup.

Listing A

procedure Startup is -- prj_mw$.startup

Investigation: step 1.

prj_mw$.startup calls prj_mw$prj_mw.startup. Is that the one that displays the record list? Let's find out in Listing B.

Listing B

   procedure Startup(  -- prj_mw$prj_mw.startup
             Z_DIRECT_CALL in boolean,
             Z_CHK in varchar2) is

Investigation: step 2.

Listing B shows that we are getting closer. Still no code constructing a web page though, but ActionQuery carries the name of a procedure that actually does something. Let us look at it in Listing C.

 Listing C

procedure ActionQuery(
             P_L_BU_PC_CODE in varchar2,
             P_L_BU_BU_NAME in varchar2,
             P_PRJ_NBR in varchar2,
             P_TASK_NBR in varchar2,
             P_NAME in varchar2,
             Z_DIRECT_CALL in boolean default false,
             Z_ACTION in varchar2,
             Z_CHK in varchar2) is

     L_BUTCHK varchar2(100):= null;
    end if;
                null, L_BUTCHK, Z_DIRECT_CALL=>TRUE);

Investigation: step 3.

Still no web page construction. But the next listing will have it: procedure QueryList is our final destination. It is a rather long procedure, so I have trimmed it a little bit:

Listing D

   procedure QueryList(
             P_L_BU_PC_CODE in varchar2,
             P_L_BU_BU_NAME in varchar2,
             P_PRJ_NBR in varchar2,
             P_TASK_NBR in varchar2,
             P_NAME in varchar2,
             Z_START in varchar2,
             Z_ACTION in varchar2,
             Z_DIRECT_CALL in boolean,
             Z_CHK in varchar2) is

     [... declarations cut here]
     [... code cut here]
         for i in 1..RL_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS loop
           WSGL.LayoutHeader(15, 'LEFT', 'Project#');
           WSGL.LayoutHeader(10, 'LEFT', 'Task#');
           WSGL.LayoutHeader(25, 'LEFT', 'Project Name');
         end loop;

         while I_ROWS_FETCHED <> 0 loop
            if I_TOTAL_ROWS >= I_START then
               dbms_sql.column_value(I_CURSOR, 1, CURR_VAL.PRJ_NBR);
               dbms_sql.column_value(I_CURSOR, 2, CURR_VAL.TASK_NBR);
               dbms_sql.column_value(I_CURSOR, 3, CURR_VAL.ID);
               dbms_sql.column_value(I_CURSOR, 4, CURR_VAL.NAME);
               L_CHECKSUM := to_char(WSGL.Checksum(''||CURR_VAL.ID));

               WSGL.LayoutData(htf.anchor2('prj_mw$prj_mw.queryview?P_ID='||CURR_VAL.ID||'&Z_CHK='||L_CHECKSUM, CURR_VAL.PRJ_NBR, ctarget=>L_VF_FRAME));

               I_ROWS_FETCHED := dbms_sql.fetch_rows(I_CURSOR);
               if I_TOTAL_ROWS = I_START + RL_RECORD_SET_SIZE - 1 then
                  if I_ROWS_FETCHED <> 0 then
                     I_NEXT_BUT := TRUE;
                  end if;
               end if;
               I_ROWS_FETCHED := dbms_sql.fetch_rows(I_CURSOR);
            end if;
         end loop;
    [...code cut here]

Investigation: step 4.
Procedure QueryList is the one that builds the kind of record list that you saw in Figure 2. It does so by constructing a dynamic SQL query using the value passed as parameters. It formats the response in an HTML table using WSGL.LayoutHeader and WSGL.LayoutData. All WSGL package does is protect Designer from HTML and OAS syntax. Consider WSGL as a software layer above the OAS, an OAS driver if you like. The record list that you can see in Figure 2 is an HTML table with a header row and a number of data rows.

Adding the Clone Button

So the trick is to add one column to this HTML table and produce a button for each row of data. Why not just one button at the bottom of the form? We need to know what record is being cloned. So we need an indicator of some sort on each line. There are a number of possible designs for this. We chose to add a button on each line.

The problem is: how do we generate this? Well, to the best of the author's knowledge, there is no way to tell Designer to do this. When confronted with such a requirement, most people would generate as much as they can from Designer and make manual modifications to the code. This works, but as soon as the module is generated again from Designer, the manual modifications are lost. We can keep a log of manual modifications and re-apply them each time we need to generate the module again. This is very time consuming and prone to errors. We can also chose to never generate again from Designer once manual modifications are made. This choice costs a lot of project time if the module design or database design change.

What we need is a tool that makes automatic modifications to the code generated by Designer. The author could not find such tool so he built one and sends it to anybody who wants it, source code and manual included. The tool is a simple pre-compiler written in PERL to extend the functionality of web modules generated from Oracle Designer 2.1.2. It integrates seamlessly with Oracle Designer, SQL*Plus and any browser you may want to use to display your modules. It provides a method that is less overall time consuming and the less prone to error than manual modifications to thousands of lines of PL/SQL code. You will need to make each modification manually once, make sure that it works and then script it in the Pre-compiler, a bit like you would write a macro in a word processor.

In order to add one column to the HTML table that lists records we need to add two lines of PL/SQL code to the procedure QueryList:

Listing E illustrates the end result. The lines added are underlined.
Listing E

procedure QueryList(
             P_L_BU_PC_CODE in varchar2,
             P_L_BU_BU_NAME in varchar2,
             P_PRJ_NBR in varchar2,
             P_TASK_NBR in varchar2,
             P_NAME in varchar2,
             Z_START in varchar2,
             Z_ACTION in varchar2,
             Z_DIRECT_CALL in boolean,
             Z_CHK in varchar2) is

     [... declarations cut here]
     [... code cut here]

         for i in 1..RL_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS loop
           WSGL.LayoutHeader(15, 'LEFT', 'Project#');
           WSGL.LayoutHeader(10, 'LEFT', 'Task#');
           WSGL.LayoutHeader(25, 'LEFT', 'Project Name');
           WSGL.LayoutHeader(25, 'LEFT', 'Clone');
         end loop;

         while I_ROWS_FETCHED <> 0 loop

            if I_TOTAL_ROWS >= I_START then
               dbms_sql.column_value(I_CURSOR, 1, CURR_VAL.PRJ_NBR);
               dbms_sql.column_value(I_CURSOR, 2, CURR_VAL.TASK_NBR);
               dbms_sql.column_value(I_CURSOR, 3, CURR_VAL.ID);
               dbms_sql.column_value(I_CURSOR, 4, CURR_VAL.NAME);
               L_CHECKSUM := to_char(WSGL.Checksum(''||CURR_VAL.ID));

               WSGL.LayoutData(htf.anchor2('prj_mw$prj_mw.queryview?P_ID='||CURR_VAL.ID||'&Z_CHK='||L_CHECKSUM, CURR_VAL.PRJ_NBR, ctarget=>L_VF_FRAME));
           WSGL.LayoutData('<FORM ACTION="prj_mw$prj_mw.clone" METHOD="POST"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="P_ID" VALUE="'||CURR_VAL.ID||'"><INPUT TYPE="Submit" VALUE="Clone"></FORM>');

  [...code cut here]

QueryList modified to produce a cloning button

The concept is pretty simple. As you can see in the second underlined statement in listing E, the clone button is wrapped in an HTML form that calls procedure clone in package prj_mw$prj_mw. This technique was explained in detail in part 1 of this article. Procedure prj_mw$prj_mw.clone does not exist yet. We will show you later how to include it into the prj_mw module component definition in Designer.

Setting up the Pre-Compiler

First we will explain how to automate the code modifications so that they can be performed again and again each time the module needs to be generated again from Designer.

For module specific modifications, the pre-compiler expects a .pca file that has the same file name as the DDL file generated by Designer to create the Web Server module. For our module, this file name is CVWPRJ_MW.pca. Listing F shows the content of this file.

Listing F

$myStart = 'prj_mw$prj_mw.QueryList';
$myEnd =   '^      WSGL.ClosePageBody;';
$mySearch = 'WSGL.LayoutHeader(25, \'LEFT\', \'Project Name\');';
$myReplace = 'WSGL.LayoutHeader(25, \'LEFT\', \'Project Name\');'."\n".
 '            WSGL.LayoutHeader(25, \'LEFT\', \'Clone\');';

&SimpleSearchRepRange($myStart, $myEnd, $mySearch, $myReplace);

$myStart = 'prj_mw$prj_mw.QueryList';
$myEnd =   '^      WSGL.ClosePageBody;';
$mySearch = '^               WSGL.LayoutData(CURR_VAL.NAME);';
$myReplace = '               WSGL.LayoutData(CURR_VAL.NAME);'."\n".
 '               WSGL.LayoutData(\'<FORM ACTION="prj_mw$prj_mw.clone" METHOD="POST"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="P_ID" VALUE="\'||CURR_VAL.ID||\'"><INPUT TYPE="Submit" VALUE="Clone"></FORM>\');'."\n";

&SimpleSearchRepRange($myStart, $myEnd, $mySearch, $myReplace);

Pre-compiler code performing the automatic code modification.

The code in Listing F is written in PERL. There is very little to it:

$myStart, $myEnd, $mySearch and $myReplace are 4 variables that we use as parameters to the &SimpleSearchRepRange procedure. All this procedure does is perform a
systematic search/replace within a range delimited by 2 patterns. It is important to limit the range of the search replace because each WebServer module represents about 3000 lines of PL/SQL code. Within this code, similar constructs are repeated a number of times. For example, the same fields usually appear on the query form, the insert form and the view form. We usually need a search/replace by range to target a specific part of the PL/SQL code.

&SimpleSearchRepRange requires 4 parameters:

In the example above, the pre-compiler first searches the PL/SQL code for the first instance of "prj_mw$prj_mw.QueryList". It marks that location. It then searches the PL/SQL code for the first instance of "WSGL.ClosePageBody;" from where it found the first pattern. It marks that location too. These two locations define the search/replace range. Within that range the pre-compiler performs a systematic search for the content of the third parameter and replaces it with the content of the last parameter.

Running the Pre-Compiler

You can set up Designer to run our pre-compiler whenever you call the browser to view the module that you generated. It's all integrated and we have documentation to explain how to do this. We will send all this to anybody who is interested.

A little bit of PL/SQL programming

Now we come back to what we all feel comfortable with: PL/SQL. Remember Listing E? When users press the cloning record, we call procedure prj_mw$prj_mw.clone and give it the value of the primary key of the project to be cloned.
Listing G

procedure clone (p_id in varchar2) is
  v_prj_row wfs_projects%rowtype;
  -- Get data from the project to be cloned
  select *
  into v_prj_row
  from wfs_projects
  where id = p_id;

  -- Create a new project
  insert into wfs_projects (prj_nbr, task_nbr, name, prj_type, bu_id) values (

  -- Display the result
  select id
  into v_prj_row.id
  from wfs_projects
  where prj_nbr = v_prj_row.prj_nbr and
        task_nbr = '-10';

  prj_mw$prj_mw.queryview(p_id=>v_prj_row.id, z_direct_call=>true);

A few notes about the procedure clone shown in Listing G. We now need to add the clone procedure in the right place in Designer. In the Design Editor, we create the clone procedure as a public named routine of the module component PRJ_MW. There are 2 levels of named routines: the module level and the module component level. Each level results in a distinct database package. We generally choose the module component level to add custom procedures or functions because we may want to make use of the package variable structures defined there by Designer. Figure 3 shows the 2 levels of named routines in the Design Editor.
Figure 3
Named Routines can be placed at 2 levels in the module definition.

We now have all the elements required for the cloning. So we generate the Web Server module and tell Designer to run the pre-compiler. The latter will install the packages with SQL*Plus and even display the module in your browser. Figure 4 illustrates the web page presented to users after they click on the clone button.

Figure 4
Successful cloning. Users need only change the task number.
To make things perfect we could add a few things to the web page shown in Figure 4. A feedback message would be nice. But more importantly we would add a message insisting that users change that -10 task number and some logic to enforce it. This logic can be written in JavaScript so that users get immediate feedback and so that we reduce network traffic. We showed how to do this in part 1 of this article.

A quick note about the value of good database design: did you notice the one parameter that we pass to prj_mw$prj_mw.clone: P_ID? This is the primary key of the table projects. We use a database sequence to populate this key. The users never see its value. We don't even have to worry about it in our insert statement in Listing G: the table API does it for us. Having a surrogate key makes it possible for users to update project names and task numbers. It also makes it easy for developers to designate records in web forms. Without it we would have had to double the length of our code for the HTML form. For the adepts of using business data to compose primary keys, here is the HTML that would be required instead of just one line:

In this 2-part article we showed you 2 techniques to enable users to clone records. They may very well be other ways or variants to do it. We considered it important to show you both techniques because they both employ mechanisms that can resolve virtually all web development problems that you may encounter. We covered a lot of technical knowledge in this article, including 3 languages: PERL, JavaScript and HTML. If you intend to focus on web development you will need to become proficient in each of these languages.

Hervé Deschamps is a Senior Principal Consultant with Oracle Corporation. He has had over five years of experience with Oracle Development Environments (Designer, Developer and previous versions). He has an extensive experience of all phases of the development life cycle with a focus in the areas of business analysis, data modeling and database design. He is also known in the technical community for his article publications centered around best custom development practices and for his user group presentations. You can reach him by e-mail at hdescham@us.oracle.com. He also maintains a web site full of articles, scripts, tips and techniques at http://www.iherve.com.